Monday, September 22, 2008

Writing Prompt 2 - 9/19/08

Power/control is one of the main themes in George Orwell's 1984. Big brother is in power and everyone seems to be fine with it. He controls one's activities, thoughts, and actions. Yet Winston tries to free himself from the power struggle, he still loses.

Winston Smith, a seeming to be normal, middle-aged man, finds himself unhappy with the total control of Big Brother. Everywhere someone goes they are being looked over and watched in some way. But one cannot be an individual in this society because one is only allowed so much, and beign different from everyone else and not accepting society is out of the question.

While under Big Brother's reign Winston breaks the law countless times. The hidden relationship between Winston and Julia estabolished that they were willign to get hurt for love. They didn't know what they were getting themselves into once they became intimate. The people reading ones thoughts or people seeing ones relationship could turn one into the ministry and who really knows what would happen.

In America today the government gives one more rights. The society's punishment for wrong doing is jail time, Big Brother's punishment for wrong doing is torture. Winston believes Julia should be tortured instead of himself, as if it wasn't his fault for going against Big Brother.